The International Healthcare Research Center

The primary goal of the International Healthcare Research Center (IHRC) is to promote transparency and improve global healthcare quality, population health management, expanded access to care, and the consumer healthcare experience.

Medical Tourism Patient Survey

The Medical Tourism Association, in collaboration with the International Healthcare Research Center, has gathered critical insights into why patients are increasingly choosing to travel for medical care. This comprehensive 31-page report sheds light on the decision-making process, motivations, and concerns of medical tourists, focusing on aspects like the search for superior medical expertise, trust in healthcare providers, cost-effectiveness, and the appeal of innovative treatments. These findings are crucial for healthcare providers looking to tailor their services to meet the evolving needs and expectations of patients globally, ensuring not only the highest standards of care but also building the essential trust and confidence that underpins the decision to seek medical treatment abroad.

Stats From the Report

of medical tourists view ‘trust’ as a significant or paramount factor in their decisions.
of respondents said accreditation influenced their decision to choose their provider.
expressed concerns about international payments, showing the pivotal role of cost transparency and secure payment options in medical tourism.
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The MTI Reports

The MTI 2014-2015 assessed the attractiveness of 25 countries as medical tourism destinations. In 2016-2017, the MTI expanded to 41 destinations across five regions, doubling the size of the sampling. The 2020-2021 Medical Tourism Index comes at a time where the industry, and the entire world, has been changed forever by COVID-19. The 2020-20121 MTI addresses this very question.

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The International Healthcare Research Center was created to gather global healthcare data that would provide actionable insights to stakeholders around the globe, including traveling patients, governments, insurance carriers, and healthcare, and hospitality providers.

With US
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Like any other non-profit organization, we need your support to continue our research and surveys. We are funded almost entirely by voluntary donations and every contribution makes an impact on our work.

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The International Healthcare Research Centers partners with global leaders such as  the Global Healthcare Accreditation, Medical Tourism Association, and the Corporate Health and Wellness Association.

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The International Healthcare Research Center was created to gather and disseminate data that will help improve the quality and safety of healthcare delivery across borders, while providing stakeholders with a better understanding of the opportunities, challenges and obstacles inherent in global healthcare.

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Helping Patients

Medical tourism offers an opportunity for patients to access treatments and medications that are unavailable in their own countries. Millions of people travel each year from the developed countries to developing countries for treatments. Medical costs can be reduced by at least 50% through medical tourism. Our research work and surveys continually monitor global health trends in different countries, highlighting deficiencies that need to be addressed in order to affect positive change. Ultimately, it helps patients make well-informed choices about the various medical providers in different parts of the world.



May I use or quote information from the IHRC publications?

Yes, you are permitted to use information from IHRC publications as long as it is clearly attributed to International Healthcare Research Center.

How Can I Support IHRC?

You can support the center by: Creating affiliations through your academic institution and have them support the peer review process. Developing academic journals in the areas of Global health, medical tourism and wellness tourism or related topics. Through financial contributions.

Can your research be trusted?

Yes, rigorous and time tested methodologies are used for all surveys, and peer reviewed data is utilized for research projects.  For example, during research for the Medical Tourism Index, IHRC followed a rigorous 8 step methodological, statistical and index construction procedure to develop this psychometric measurement.

Where does IHRC publish its work?

Currently online through Medical Tourism Magazine, the Medical Tourism Association® website, Health Tourism Magazine, Medical Tourism City, and through published reports and also at global events. In the future IHRC will be developing its own academic journals in the areas of global health, medical tourism and wellness tourism.

How long has IHRC been active?

Since February of 2012.